Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Change of Plan! Sandfire Roadhouse to Pardoo Roadhouse - 139kms

Planned an easy 55kms ride to 80 Mile Beach Caravan Park today so slept in and didn't get away until 7.30am.

Delighted to discover that we had a tail wind at last. 

Landscape changed from bush to low, tree less scrub, to rough pasture land. Farmers appeared to be burning off the bush to encourage grass growth. Flowering lupins cropping up everywhere.

At 45kms, we reached the turnoff to the beach and discovered to our dismay that it was 10kms of dusty, unsealed road. 

Cycling on loose dirt is quite dangerous for us. Tyres get bogged down into the dirt and the trailers tip over easily, pulling bike and cyclist with them. We quickly decided that was out of the question.
We would cycle towards Pardoo, 90kms away, and camp in the bush when we'd had enough for the day.

The tail wind allowed us to cover more ground than usual. 

Before long we'd decided that, if we could last the distance, we'd head for Pardoo Roadhouse instead.
We cycled through the heat of the afternoon - sweating heavily and drinking at least 2.5L of water each. Pressure from the seats added to the discomfort.

Arrived at Pardoo Roadhouse at 4.45pm - a small building, with caravan park and dongas at the rear, marooned in a sea of red dust. Just had time to drop our gear into a donga and get to the roadhouse cafe to order dinner and buy a few essentials before dark.

Both feeling pretty tired.
Filling water bottles and nibbles packs ready for tomorrow, then it's a shower and bed ASAP.

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