Yay! Yesterday we completed 4,000kms of the trip!
Note to self: Dongas are cheap accommodation that attract young backpackers and seasonal workers who keep unusual hours! A disturbed night!
Left at 5.00am and made great progress, though fingers and toes were frozen to start.
Each time the sun comes over the horizon, we can't resist singing Rolf Harris' "Sun arise, come in de mornin" - all the verses!
Rode across several rivers, a lake and a creek, full of water for a change. Thought we saw a crocodile snap at a bird in Cockatoo Creek.
Arrived at the Rest Area far too early - about 11.00am. Decided to have a relaxing day, rather than cycle further.
Fortunate because Del found another puncture in my rear tyre that he had to fix.
Sheila and Bob made a donation to the cause. Many thanks to you both for your support.
A searingly hot afternoon. Glad to be off the road and in the shade.
Eating and drinking the last of our supplies. Must do some serious restocking when we get to Broome!
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